In other news, I feel like the winter has never been so long. It's much more mild here and I have no reason to complain about the weather. Overall, however, I really am ready for green and sunshine. The flowers are in full bloom outside of church; the minute you walk out after mass you can smell the fragrance from ten different types of flowers. It's magnificent. The trees are starting to bud and bloom. Even the grass is not entirely brown. The weeds are starting to pop up as green which leads me to believe the grass will be soon to follow. I'm not quite clear about when the wind is going to stop whipping [I've been told it will not] but I'm hoping that it does stop. Nothing good comes of it for my hair!
I'm glad to see my favorite nephew is visiting Nathan, I'm sure it is doing them both good and the facebook pictures are adorable.
Mom is flying in on Wednesday to visit, which makes me very happy. Of course, I have a few things due this week [the semester is surprisingly, approaching quicker than expected]. I have new classes to sign up for, more student loans to apply for, and the rest of the road trip to plan. Hopefully there is lodging somewhere in Yosemite for a relatively inexpensive price. We'll get to that when it isn't so hectic this week. We've got a test Tuesday, a project due Thursday, and a presentation due Thursday. What's more, there's thing on top of that for next week that I'll have to work on [and go figure it's all the week Mom is here visiting].
I'll keep you informed how things go after Mom head back home [when things aren't so hectic...then again, you might see something while she is here and we're enjoying each others' company.
P.S. the State Capital was actually interesting. Our class even got announced during the Senate debate. Got to have lunch at Big Truck Taco while we had a break after class and before our arrival at the capital building. So good and, fragrant [my hands smelled the entire day of pork and Mexican seasoning].
fyi LOVE that you used the creeper video i shot of your exemplary dancing moves :)