Saturday, June 18, 2011


Earlier this past week on my drive to work I passed a group of young teenagers running through the neighborhood. I came to the conclusion that they must be getting in shape for cross country season at the local high school. And it was in that moment that I remembered why I only ran cross country for one season...

Exercising, just like eating healthy, is about a good balance. If you do all or nothing and follow a plan to a 'T' that you cannot stand you are bound to fail. If you do something you love doing as your physical activity, if you eat healthy things you like and give yourself occasional rewards you will succeed. Running for me, is not something that can be maintained long term - it is not part of my lifestyle.

Anytime I see someone running I am in awe as to how they put themselves through such torture. Any running I do would have to be part of something else, chasing my nephew, playing with my dog, in essence, it goes unnoticed. I'm glad but dumbfounded that people enjoy it to the point that they continue to do it, that they transition from a leisurely walk to a full out run. If I really focus on the person running I loathe it more. That's right, I don't just dislike it, I loathe it. The only thing I found enjoyable about my season of cross country was the way my legs looked, tip top shape for sure.

When I see these young teens running I think about my own practices, how on colder days the air would burn in my chest as I tried to inhale too quickly. I remember how my shins would have shooting pains, the sharp pain in my side, the gasping for air I couldn't get quickly enough. I remember the sweat going down my back and over my eyelids, the urge to vomit on the course [which I did do once, unfortunately], and the feeling of knowing I had a 5K to run as I stood waiting at the starting line. I remember how my hair slowly fell out of my ponytail every time , stuck to my face, and how my cheeks would shake with the impact of each foot planting on the ground.

Now, I have to admit, I have since run a 5K, in fact, I'm set up to run another in August. But when there's a purpose to it, and when you have a friend that runs with you, it's not so bad. In short though, I'd have to say, that I'll likely continue running here and there sporadically for a purpose, with a mission, but I'll stick to swimming or biking for the cardio my muscles crave.

For those runners out there: continue on, I'm not envious but I am pleased to know that someone else likes to do this exercise.

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