Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The end of a chapter and the beginning of another...

And so I was hooded, I graduated with honors [which is a funny story actually] and I received my diploma. It doesn't get much more official than that. I did it. I finished. That's that. And now it is over, the year is winding down and as I happily said goodbye to 2009 [good riddance] I will send off 2010 with blown kisses of gratitude and admiration. But I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm not talking about the year of 2010, I am talking about the 'tornado-of-a-master-student/intern's-school-year.' It blew in and left pieces scattered: things I've learned in class, things I've learned in my practicum, things I've learned from life experiences and friends...what a year. Yes, what a year, what a stupendous fantastic year. It went by so quickly and it feels as if I only just moved down there. Crazy how fast a year can fly. There really is no wonder how Christmas is already here again and I'm preparing to begin yet another chapter in this life of mine.

There is a certain sense of calm that washed over me a few days after I lost control of my tear ducts and had a melt down. It was a delay from my prayers to heaven, or maybe I just needed a few days to digest everything that was changing.

And so, although I don't feel all that well prepared to set foot in the real world I know that I have the tools to get me there and people that I love backing me up...just as I did upon my move to Oklahoma, just as I always have.

My cup overflow with the gifts I have been given, they just wait to displayed.

I came home a different person than the one that left to move down there. Subtle, but nonetheless changed. And I put part of it to the growing, learning, and developing I did both within and outside of the internship experience. When I look back at the year I see how each day I was there was living. That was life and living it to all the potential it was capable of being. It was the lazy days by the pool basking in the sunlight and absorbing the simplest of pleasures. It was the stops for frozen yogurt or ice cream with the breeze through my hair. It was the time spent with friends doing nothing, doing everything but most importantly doing whatever it was together. It was in the friendships I formed, we met as strangers in January and managed to end up as a tight group of young women ready to conquer the world...or at least play boardgames and dance our troubles away.

Thank you to my fellow interns, for being the wonderful people you are that helped enhance the experience and the memories that I will associate with Oklahoma.

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