Sunday, June 27, 2010

Up and Coming

To keep you updated on the news of my continuing adventures in OKC:

I begin back at school tomorrow. Classes are set up a bit differently, which makes graduating with a masters degree possible in a year along side an internship. I'll be starting with Sports Nutrition tomorrow. The class begins at 9 and does not end until 5:10 in the evening. This is how the month of July will go for me, a new class each week.

Along with those I'll be getting some community hours working a Diabetes camp and learning about what will be tested over during my boards exam.

I'd like to just be done with the process and moving on. And although that sounds terrible, I realize I am wishing something bittersweet. I have met wonderful people here in the program and am learning a lot about myself, especially living alone. Wishing to be done would mean wishing I were home and away from them all. I feel as if I have been building to the moment when I'll become licensed and registered for so long that it seems it will never come.

I've also come to the realization today that although I am single I am in no mood to find someone I can settle down with. Having seen several pregnant people, new parents, or recent newlyweds I realize that once you find the person you'll raise a family with does not mean your problems end; you simply acquire a different set of problems.

In other news, there is a thunderstorm outside. I usually am excited to see them but since I live in Tornado Alley instead of listening on the front porch I worry about tornadoes and hail damage. One less thing I'll have to worry about when I get home.

So I'm getting back into the grind of things with classes [enjoyed my break away from everything THOROUGHLY] but will be happy to continue rolling through things to finish up. I'm not one for growing up, but I am one for moving on when its necessary.

Until I type again, I miss you all. Love you lots.

P.S. I saw Toy Story 3 and loved it. Pixar really knows their stuff [and obviously, I'm a life long fan of anything Disney].

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