Monday, September 3, 2012

Patience in the Plan

Soakin' Up the Sun
The problem with patience is that you need it when you have none, and it seems when you have plenty, you are never in need of it. Of course, knowing that time is relative, Einstein's theory, etc etc explains all that.

I have been trying to succumb to the fact that this place I am in currently is a necessary waiting period for the next step. Everything in due time, all the appropriateness of an unfolding rosebud in the morning sun. Steps of course, are scary, changes are challenging, and new beginnings are never as easy as endings, which are all too often bittersweet.

LP & Me
I'm not trying to be extremely picky, but I'm not settling for work simply to change my pace or my geography. Change isn't always progress after all. But what I do know, is that I am meant for more than these four walls, more than this town, more than what currently 'is.'

Patience self, and in the meantime, just do the next thing. Take the next step and trust that the map is unfolding as the journey continues on.

Mustache you a question...

I can't be the only one dealing with this, in fact, I know I am not from the several conversations I have sitting on the phone agonizing over the frustrations of our young lives. We've all taken different paths, and yet, we're all in similar boats. We've all hit different stages with different challenges. I have the friends without significant others to married moms, friends between jobs, in jobs they love or hate, friends in house, apartments, living with their parents. I am in extremely good company it would seem. It is the age of uncertainty, the age where when nothing is certain everything is possible....and scary, and awesome. Just breathe, just wait, enjoy the ride.

In other news, I have been busy with work [full time, with benefits].
* I have paid off my grad loans [in exactly one year].
* I went to SOUTHERN Florida for family vacation.
* I went to the OSU opening game.
* I've done some serious job hunting.


Until next time...sylyb

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