Thursday, September 1, 2011

As the Calendar Turns

So much to talk about. It's nice knowing I still have things I can share.

Well, here it is everyone! Another month down on the calendar and nearing 6 months of employment for me. Woooohoo. Well, it pays the know, those doggone loans. Another month down and still unclear about how far this particular job will work out for me [being 'as needed' and all]. But that's not what I want to think nor talk about.

Being that the fall is approaching and college football season starting this weekend we're almost in full swing, preparing to put away our more summery looking attire and pull out the rakes and leaf blowers that sat collecting dust in the shed. More changing of the seasons.

Also, being that it IS the beginning of yet another month and the start of a new season I declared myself under a 'Get in Shape' Initiative. The initiative being in shape. Now that the Y is open again [after cleaning] and we've returned from Nathan's graduation ceremony [which was lovely, thanks for asking] there's really no excuses to NOT get back into shape. And, in case you're wondering there are 84 days until Thanksgiving and 122 days until the end of the year. PLLLLENTY of time to get my butt back in gear [and maybe sitting up higher like it's supposed to]. If you are so inclined, I encourage you to join along, you know, since there's SO many people that read this [cough].

In other news, it's getting harder and harder to get up in the morning when it's nice and toasty in my bed and the sun has not yet risen. I have a feeling it's just going to keep getting harder, especially if there's snow falling as heavily as last winter. But we ARE NOT talking about snow just yet. There's still time to get my blood accustomed to temperatures less than 70.

More later [sylyb]

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