Sunday, October 3, 2010


Sometimes we take for granted how precious life really is, how everything can hang in such a delicate balance and the plan we have set out for us is constantly being shifted based on the changes we make, the choices we choose. But more than that, I'm thinking about capturing and holding on to the moments we don't mind to just let slip by.

Every time I hear "Jack and Diane" I think about the line where he says

Hold onto sixteen as long as you can,
Changes come around real soon,
Make us women and men

Oh yeah life goes on,
long after the thrill of livin' is gone

Oh yeah they say life goes on,
long after the thrill of livin' is gone

And that leads me to some questions in my life -

When does the joy of living go away, when you get a real person job or have sixteen year old children of your own? Does the thrill of living have to go away? When is the moment when life becomes passe?

If that is the case I suppose I'd rather get every opportunity to living in as long as I can. I don't want to settle with life and realize that the joy I have for it is gone because it IS a gift that is so precious. Despite the mundane things in life we all must learn to live with, I have no intention of losing my appetite for living --- ever. Cynics and pessimists be damned.

Life is about the people that you form relationships with, the encounters you make, the difference you evoke on the world. Life truly is a gift and I don't want to come to the conclusion one day that I no longer like where I'm sitting. I want that same zest for life that I had when I was six years old and everything was new and exciting. I want to forever look at the world with the sense of excitable anticipation for the encounters I may embark on.

On that note -
I spent the weekend with some friends I've made while here in Oklahoma. I successfully, however tired, experienced the rivalry that is OU vs Texas in the flesh.

Thanks to Jeff, Kelly, Ideen, and Monica for making this a fun weekend.


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