Thursday, August 12, 2010


What another disappointingly long stretch without writing. I apologize.

I was fortunate enough to weasel my way into going to Camp Endres []. Being that I was intended simply to be an alternate in case another intern got sick I decided to attend the orientation meeting and ask if I could be of any service since I believed the experience to be worthwhile. Boy, was I right. Thankfully, they asked me to help out with arts and crafts: the best of both worlds, a learning experience and making crafts with kids. The camp went from a Saturday until the following Saturday.

On the downside I wasn't able to attend mass [which was pointed out to me by the older gentleman I always sit near the following mass], being that this experience was worth it though, I'm going to assume God found me in the right on this one. I hope at least.

The camp is run by a non-profit organization that caters to children with Type 1 Diabetes. For me, it was a chance to understand how, as a future dietitian, my knowledge can really assist people with diabetes.

So here are some of the things I did while I was there:
1. Counted carbohydrates
2. Made awesome new friends...awesome!
3. Played in a pond
4. Watched a nurse assist someone with a seizure
5. Inserted my own injection site where a pump would attach
6. Shot myself up some saline [in place of insulin]
7. Danced myself sweaty
8. Taught a nutrition education session
9. Played Art Teacher
10. Experienced nature in a different part of Oklahoma

The list goes on and on...

And in thanks for having had such an excellent experience I'll close with this excerpt from the book An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor, given to me by Hannah:

"...As with Jacob, most of my visions of the divine have happened while I was busy doing something else. I did nothing to make them happen. They happened to me the same way a thunderstorm happens to me, or a bad cold, or the sudden awareness that I am desperately in love. I play no apparent part in their myself out of living in the House of God.
Or I can set a little altar, in the world or in my heart. I can stop what I am doing long enough to see where I am, who I am there with, and how awesome the place is. I can flag one more gate to heaven- one more patch of ordinary earth with ladder marks on it - where the divine traffic is heavy when I notice it and even when I do not. I can see it for once, instead of walking right past it, maybe even setting a stone or saying a blessing before I move on to wherever I am due next."

I guess for me, you always realize your blessings and thank God in hindsight. I'll forever be playing catch up thanking the Big Guy. I am terribly thankful I got to experience camp and meet the people there that I did. I had hit my middle of the internship wall and that was just what I needed to be rejuvenated to experience all I can while I'm here in Oklahoma.

Until next time friends....


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