Thursday, August 26, 2010

You Don't Know

Fifteen Things You're Likely Not to Know About Me...Unless You Do
[and then I'm sorry you're rereading it]

1. Bill Cosby puts me in stitches
2. I have had plastic surgery on my ear twice
3. For a brief period in time I wanted to be the following:
meteorologist, teacher, marine biologist, one of the Price is Right women. Another period in time I wanted to own a restaurant called Flowers and Frosting [copyright pending]. If a photographer got in on that act we'd also be Fotos...I'm so clever
4. Potty humor is never NOT funny; $&%@ is my favorite cuss word.
5. I'd never been to a county fair until after my senior year in high school
6. I'm an art kid at heart. I've gone through my stints of knitting [remedial kid style], mod podge [love that!], would be photography, painting, knick knack making, redo my room "Trading Spaces" style, jewelry making, scrap booking. Really, there's no point in going on because you get the point. Currently on my videography kick.
7. Took piano lessons for 12 years
8. I write poetry...and you're likely never to read it
9. My spice rack is alphabetized, my closet is [kind of] color and seasonally arranged, my bed never needs made because it never gets un-made [except when the clothes pile up].
10. I love vacuuming and despise dusting
11. I'm according to my IgE test, severely allergic to dust mites. Thank you antihistamine.
12. Which reminds me, I sneeze really weird
13. Despite my one month bout in Chicago [which doesn't really count in my book] I've only ever lived in states that start with the letter "O"
14. I'm an INTP or INTJ. I was on the bubble. Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls!
15. I have 34 first cousins...and it's awesome.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweet Tooth

About three hours ago [5:30] I sat at my dining room table eating my pepper jack Tuna melt and wished the evening away. And by that, I mean I wished it were bedtime.

I am by no means a lousy morning person, but if it were up to me, I'd be able to sleep until 10 each and every day. Call me lazy, I don't mind much, I know the power of a good long night's sleep. And so I have been waiting for the sun to go down since I arrived home. Funny how I should act such a way. I'll be thrilled when Friday arrives and I will have completed my first FULL week of clinicals.

In other news, I must share with you that in preparation for going to bed I took my contacts out early on in the evening to give my eyeballs a rest, all that chart work can really take it out of you!

I wrote my first clinical note as a Dietetic Intern today and saw patients on my own, not in a mock trial, not with the intent of getting a passing grade in my Medical Nutrition Therapy course, but to prepare myself for the work force, EEK!

Beyond that, as any good procrastinator does, I visited one of my most favorite time wasting sites []. It sucks you in with the colorful pictures and links to other wonderful time wasting sites. Beyond that, with my multitude of other locations to waste time [i.e. youtube, facebook, awkwardfamilyphotos] I finally arrived at a suitable enough time to think about going to bed.

While I was browsing, I should mention I saw the best idea for organizing in a kitchen that I have come across in some time. I've included that picture for you above.

While wasting time, I let my stomach do the talking [post tuna melt and blueberry muffin], as it all too often does. Notice Exhibit C, a concoction I perfected at home with the 'rents. I caved last night at the grocery store when I saw Redi Whip [which I have not yet purchased since I've moved to Oklahoma] staring at me through the glass doors. I had to give in, if for nothing else, than for the satisfaction of creating this picture.

I should also mention, this is the second night in a row I've allowed myself to succumb to its call. Better fruit and whipped cream than the Nilla Wafers I munch on or the Fudge Bars in the freezer. If nothing else, my apartment is stocked with enough sweets to administer to any girl experiencing PMS for at least 4 months. I just wish that could be my excuse for my sweet tooth right now.

No matter, the Wellness Center is open late tomorrow!

Until we one-way-chat-again enjoy the rest of your week! See you. Love you. Bye

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Clinicals starts tomorrow. That is all I've got to say about that.

The end of my summer and the beginning of the rest of my nutrition career. Here we go, we're on the cusp of it. Wish me luck, say a prayer, here we go.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


What another disappointingly long stretch without writing. I apologize.

I was fortunate enough to weasel my way into going to Camp Endres []. Being that I was intended simply to be an alternate in case another intern got sick I decided to attend the orientation meeting and ask if I could be of any service since I believed the experience to be worthwhile. Boy, was I right. Thankfully, they asked me to help out with arts and crafts: the best of both worlds, a learning experience and making crafts with kids. The camp went from a Saturday until the following Saturday.

On the downside I wasn't able to attend mass [which was pointed out to me by the older gentleman I always sit near the following mass], being that this experience was worth it though, I'm going to assume God found me in the right on this one. I hope at least.

The camp is run by a non-profit organization that caters to children with Type 1 Diabetes. For me, it was a chance to understand how, as a future dietitian, my knowledge can really assist people with diabetes.

So here are some of the things I did while I was there:
1. Counted carbohydrates
2. Made awesome new friends...awesome!
3. Played in a pond
4. Watched a nurse assist someone with a seizure
5. Inserted my own injection site where a pump would attach
6. Shot myself up some saline [in place of insulin]
7. Danced myself sweaty
8. Taught a nutrition education session
9. Played Art Teacher
10. Experienced nature in a different part of Oklahoma

The list goes on and on...

And in thanks for having had such an excellent experience I'll close with this excerpt from the book An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor, given to me by Hannah:

"...As with Jacob, most of my visions of the divine have happened while I was busy doing something else. I did nothing to make them happen. They happened to me the same way a thunderstorm happens to me, or a bad cold, or the sudden awareness that I am desperately in love. I play no apparent part in their myself out of living in the House of God.
Or I can set a little altar, in the world or in my heart. I can stop what I am doing long enough to see where I am, who I am there with, and how awesome the place is. I can flag one more gate to heaven- one more patch of ordinary earth with ladder marks on it - where the divine traffic is heavy when I notice it and even when I do not. I can see it for once, instead of walking right past it, maybe even setting a stone or saying a blessing before I move on to wherever I am due next."

I guess for me, you always realize your blessings and thank God in hindsight. I'll forever be playing catch up thanking the Big Guy. I am terribly thankful I got to experience camp and meet the people there that I did. I had hit my middle of the internship wall and that was just what I needed to be rejuvenated to experience all I can while I'm here in Oklahoma.

Until next time friends....
