Saturday, May 29, 2010


I will be forever fascinated by the sight of teeny buildings and tiny toy cars. Forever five years old. Forever fascinated with the world, wide eyed and craving more and more.

I've always like flying, most times the lull of the engine puts me to sleep. Today I was out before we took off the ground. The people I sit next to probably think I'm a bore, maybe they're relieved they don't have to talk.

Never have I been more excited to see green grass, trees, and brown dirt, or land back in my home state. Oklahoma isn't a bad place to live, but it is by no means home. And I may not end up here my whole life but it will forever be my home and the place I love most.

I was so excited to give hugs when I saw everyone and was even more thrilled to realize it wasn't just Dad picking me up, but everyone. They all came! I am going to savor these moments with my family and the dog while I'm with them.

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