Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Setbacks are just that - setbacks. They are not roadblocks. The minute we start treating them as such is the minute we accept our first failure as the be all and end all.

Success requires effort and lots of trying. Sometimes you learn the 'Don'ts' before you find the 'Do's'. Actually, you're lucky if your first attempt succeeds.

What makes a person of character is to see the silver lining in circumstances - to put forth the hard work and come up with a win when at first all you see is failures.

And a few quotes that coincide nicely:
"God can move mountains, but He may hand you a shovel."

"Pray like everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you." -St Ignatius

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Today I was reminded to be humble.
That there is always a silver lining.
That there is always someone that has it worse.
That my piddly little problems are just that - piddly and little.

Today I was reminded to not sweat the small stuff and that next year (insert here) will not matter.
That if I can shift my focus on others and ignore the "world revolves around me" attitude
That if I just breathe and thank God for my blessings
Then, and only then, will I feel better.

Life really is beautiful, even if it's ugly at times. We just need to stop overlooking the everyday miracles.