Saturday, December 21, 2013

Guidelines to Teach My Future Children:

I read a blog post recently where this woman wrote a list of things she wants her daughter to learn, life rules/lessons of sorts. So I of course made my own. And I made a lot because I am not lacking when it comes to the written word.

Never stop learning-be it cooking, driving a stick shift, shingling a shed, or taking a class at the local university. Yearn to learn always.

Don't be stagnant, stagnancy is death and life is a journey.

Travel the world...and don't forget the Imodium.

Be brave and try new things. Have courage.

Save money for something worth it, including emergencies.

High quality [and generally higher priced] things last longer. Have fewer better quality things.

Stuff is filler - think of people. Save mementos but not everything. Things are for people -- stuff is for using, not the other way around.

Time is so precious. You cannot stockpile it. Use it wisely.

Find a hobby, something that is yours.

Hug the people you love, and tell them you love them every single day.

Ignore the insults of others and let your freak flag fly - march to your own drum, always. Don't be discouraged.

Keep it simple. It may not be easy, but it is drama free[ish]

Question your relationship with God, that will strengthen it; He can handle it. But never turn your back on Him or stop practicing your faith...and do right by him. He's got you covered for an eternity.

Do not judge others, everyone has their battles and no one is perfect.

Go to university - have fun, be safe, and get a good degree.

Find your passion, one that you can make a career.

Don't forget where you came from.

Aim for 8 fruits and vegetables a day. Eat clean 90% of the time and drink plenty of water.

Get shit done - don't procrastinate - Carpe Diem

Do the next [right] thing

Think of others' feelings when you open your mouth.

Honesty really is the best policy. Don't lie, it is unbecoming.

Stand up for yourself, for what you believe in.

A sweet attitude and a smile get you far and get what you want relatively painlessly.

Life is not fair, but it goes on. Suck it up, you don't have it nearly as bad as others.

Don't give your body freely. That should be saved for someone you love. Just wait until you're married, then I won't have to worry about you and you won't get your heart broken unnecessarily.

Say your prayers.

Read lots of great books. Find a soundtrack for your life.

When you aren't feeling well, try a long shower and an even longer nap.

Do not be afraid to fail, then get up again.

Guard your heart but do not guard your heart so much that you miss an opportunity to love.

Lose graciously, you cannot always win.

Shake hands and look people in the eye.

You have two ears and one mouth, use them accordingly.

You are not better than anyone, and no one is better than you.

Take care of your body/health, it's the only one you've got and it has to last your whole life.

Surround yourself c good people, quality friends help form your opinions once you're an adult.

Stand up straight, walk with your head held high.

Gossiping never does anyone any good.

Trust your instincts.

Don't settle - there are enough mediocre things in this world. Your job, spouse, and life don't have to be.

Study, study, study.

Take responsibility for your actions and apologize when you're wrong.

Do not be afraid of emotions, you are human.

Each decision affects another.

Do not drink and drive. And do not do either excessively, walk...and watch other people make asses of themselves. Hangovers aren't worth it, and neither is your future.

If you're not comfortable talking about it, you shouldn't be doing it.

Never take yourself too seriously, you will not make out this life alive. Keep a sense of humor.