Wednesday, November 28, 2012


No excuses, it's been awhile....moving on...

I find that I am my own self-help book. I am constantly working toward bettering myself. As we all know, change does not necessarily equate to progress and what I'm going for is strict progress. For a positive life journey there is something very important that I am not always the greatest at: being productive and proactive. I am not always the most decisive [I already know does everyone else], I am very indecisive about things that I don't care about....and that means I go with the flow. When it comes to things that matter I am as stubborn as a mule and my mind cannot be changed. That being said I have implemented a few key words/phrases into my continuously evolving "Mantra"

1. Do the next thing.
2. Surrender [as in to God's plan].
3. Decisive Action Now [DAN].

So, I got home after work, had a snack, started laundry, and am preparing to work out. Productivity at it's best.

So I'm trying to get myself in better shape so that I can climb a mountain and not be super sore. Got my measurements, took my "before" pictures and I am ready. More later....Operation Inca in progress.