Thursday, September 23, 2010

Welcome to My Hospital

It's always a rush to walk the block over from where I park my car to the hospital entrance. Being that my punctuality [cough, or lack thereof] gets me at my desk at 8:00 every morning, I am always in a rush, half winded when I walk the 9 flights up the steps because nothing is slower than waiting on an elevator.

So in my rush every morning I have come to make some conclusions about the area I work in.

The wind whistles through the spaces between the cars as they pile into their slots, which of course are few and far between even at 7:45. That early in the morning there are workers trimming bushes and mowing lawns. As you walk between those buildings you smell the cut grass and the small wildflowers sprouting up between the cracks of the sidewalk.

As you approach the entrance to the hospital, even before 8 am, men with walkers and wheelchairs line up on the balcony gripping tightly to their cigarettes leaving a scent of smoke wafting through the air.

Getting through the lobby where patients wait for their prescriptions is an ordeal. Stagnant and hot humid air circles around the lobby and conversations mix and muddle with the television shows that play while patients wait.

People move quickly, slowly, some without any specific location in mind, others wait for someone to wheel them to their next donation. I weave in and out between people to make my way to the stairwell nearest my office door. Construction workers scoop, tinker, and build to create a new wing on the hospital.

By the time I reach my floor I am out of breath and the nape of my neck is damp with sweat. And that's just the beginning...

Do note:
1. If you are a woman you will be hit on - can I get your number? You're 74, no!
2. No one will agree on the food.
3. You're bound to do inpatient, outpatient, and any other little one day
4. Expect anything, you'll work hard and see a lot of different things.
5. Prepare to write and be ULTRA prepared for any work in the country.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just Another Rainy Sunday

I love the rain, I love it especially at home when the thunder echos in the cul-de-sac. Outside of this week, it has been a long time since rain hit Oklahoma soil. And it suits my mood today just fine.

I woke up with the light streaming in the window praying that it would be overcast and that I could open the windows and breathe in fresh air, keep my air conditioning off, and find some glimmer of fall weather in the breeze. God knew, and my prayers were answered. I could pray for another three day weekend but I won't press my luck.

Overall, this weekend went by like a dream. I slept a good portion of it away and did little in the area of productivity. Friday night I turned off the lights, danced around the apartment and hopped in the stopped up shower with a few candles lit and let the heat surround me [simple pleasures]!

Completing this next week of clinical rotations I will be more than half way done. I made it this far, look out floor coverage here I come [mind you I'm saying this in the most feeble tone possible].

Football season has started as you all know. For me, that means an empty church parking lot to pull into on Saturday evenings. You're always aware of when a home OU game takes place simply by the number of parishioners attending services on Saturdays. And yes, I am aware they love their football down here, and yes I am aware of who Sam Bradford Don't judge me!

There's a pot of chicken vegetable soup I concocted on the stove simmering and an empty bed that's calling my name. Mellow music is drowned out by the sound of thunder and rain coming through the open windows and I am lethargic but entirely too happy. No worries, tomorrow will ruin it all [Mondays inevitably always do]. Until October 22nd, which I have declared to be the BEST day of 2010, I will slave away at the hospital learning necessary tools to help me practice and pass my boards early next year.

Choice websites to waste time on:
which subsequently led me to --

Choice song:
Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez

See you. love you. bye

Monday, September 6, 2010


I do not fancy myself much for excessive jewelry. I couldn't tell you a thing about accessorizing properly and I don't much mind that [it is far less expensive]. I am however, somewhat envious when other people day in and day out manage to look put together and show up to places on time. This feat is virtually impossible in my book. Truth be told, I will never be a punctual person and I'm okay with that...I just work a little harder to get to places on time compared to those perpetually punctual.

However, I'm getting away from the point of this post. I've been thinking a lot about my time here in Oklahoma as the days get shorter and the months fly by [No, I do not know what I am doing with my life, I'm trusting that the plan will simply unfurl itself in some cosmically awesome way...did you hear that God? Cosmically awesome, as in hit me over the head with it because I probably won't notice otherwise. I can be a bit oblivious after all]. It will be nearly November by the time I am finished with clinical rotations and that means just about a month to simply be Mara the Grad student once again. And oh, how I have savored those moments of simply 'being' [mostly by the pool].

I am not entirely sure on God's intent for sending me to Oklahoma. I understand that I needed these experiences to become an RD and I understand that I have blossomed more into the person I was meant to be having come down here on my own. Maybe it was the friendships I've made or the experiences I've gotten to partake in [both within the internship and well outside of it].

What I do know is this, all those people that told me I'd find myself a cowboy were wrong. Of course, I knew that from the get-go. I'm not here to get my M.R.S. degree I'm here for my Masters. I am happily single, it always struck me as odd when people ask if I have a boyfriend and I respond that I don't. In their mind they either have someone lined up or they ask me why not? "Well thank you for pointing that out. I didn't realize!" Being single is not a curse by any means, unless you're an old hag. I like being single because I can focus on me, I don't have to worry about what he's doing or what his plans are. I don't have to work twice as hard to keep two schedules in order. I have difficulty enough keeping my friends' schedules in line. However, as happy as I am, and that being said I would like to send a message out to my husband - wherever he is, whenever I meet him.

Dear You,

I'm patiently preparing myself for the day we meet. I'm working on making myself the best spouse that I can be and I hope and pray that you are too. Know that I think about you often and pray for your safety. I love you very much and I know that some day when the timing is JUST right, God will send you to me. Or maybe he'll send me to you. Either way, I anticipate our life together because we are playmates and partners in crime; we are friends and we are better together than we are apart.

Love, Me

P.S. You're sure to never be bored as we're on an adventure in this life together and I know I am a handful [just ask my parents]. I'm glad we can share in our appetite for life!

P.P.S Please know what the claddagh is and make sure that you take it seriously because I wear it with pride and it is a beautiful symbol. Also, I expect you to flip it at some obscure moment in our courting [yes, courting].

P.P.P.S. kloveyoubye
